The latest research for JNLR shows radio listening remains in a really healthy position in 2021.
80% of the adult population tune in every day for a total of 13.1 million hours per day, reflecting the sustainability of this long established medium. Even amongst the 15-24 year old cohort, almost 70% listen to radio on a regular basis.
Irish audiences are also highly connected, ownership of smartphones are at 86%, and smart speakers at 30%. The growth in smart speakers has been rapid, almost trebling since 2018 and likely to grow further in the coming years. Ownership is higher amongst a younger demographic and enables easy access to audio material. We can see this with the growth of digital audio listening on our own platforms where we have seen an increase in total listening hours of over 40% for the 10 week period to the end of July.

In terms of device usage 72% used a radio or music player to listen to their audio material while the next device of choice is the smartphone used by 28% of the population with 15% using a PC/laptop or smart speaker.
Live radio currently has a share of 78.8% of the audio market reflecting the depth of engagement listeners have with radio. While many tune into on-demand audio, they spend much less time doing so. There is more activity among the younger 15-24 year old audience in this space, however live radio still achieves the majority share of time spent listening (53.2%). Music streaming (Spotify or similar) has a share of 25.2% among this group followed by YouTube for Music (14.2%).
Later this month we will be presenting our own audio research as Sound Affects 2 – Audio Revival follows on from Sound Affects 1, exploring how people in Ireland are consuming audio content.
In conjunction with Dentsu we’ve completed an intensive diary study, together with a robust quantitative study have uncovered six interesting themes, including how we have changed our listening behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you’d like more detail of our event on September 30th or you’d like to attend you can find details at
Source: Ipsos MRBI Game Changers/ AdSwizz
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