World Radio Day 2021
Saturday, February 13th, was the 10th anniversary of World Radio Day and celebrated more than 110 years of radio. At a global level radio remains the most widely consumed medium.
Saturday, February 13th, was the 10th anniversary of World Radio Day and celebrated more than 110 years of radio. At a global level radio remains the most widely consumed medium.
The JNLR’s ‘Radio in a Digital World’ report, compiled by Ipsos/ MRBI from the most recently published listenership data, shows that listening to Irish radio stations via digital devices is growing.
The key ingredients for a great Super Bowl Sunday are as simple – football, food, half time entertainment and ads. Here are some the ads that we think added to the entertainment on the night.
With last week’s bulletin reporting significant economic growth from Q2 of this year, this week we wanted to look at the role radio can play in helping brands ensure they get their share of revenue from the increase in consumer demand.
Between January and March it is predicted there will be a fall in domestic demand but as restrictions ease in Q2 and the vaccine is rolled out the recovery will begin.
Whilst we’re all acutely aware of the impact of the pandemic on our social lives, the economy and the health of the nation, there are many other affected areas which have not garnered quite so much attention. One area largely overlooked has been gender equality.
Graham Norton kicked off his new radio show on Virgin Radio last weekend. The veteran entertainers show runs Saturday and Sundays from 9.30 am to 12.30pm each week.
Radiocentre’s “Breaking out of the Bubble” virtual event this week saw some really interesting findings from Ebiquity which followed up on a piece they did back in 2018.
Radiocentre’s “Breaking out of the Bubble” virtual event this week saw some really interesting findings from Ebiquity which followed up on a piece they did back in 2018.
It’s no surprise the pandemic has changed shopping habits in Ireland across the last ten months. But it’s interesting to note it’s not just a move to online from bricks and mortar retail, it’s also a change of where people are purchasing online.
Since we’ve brought exclusive access to Premier League games live to the Irish market through our sister station talkSPORT, the largest sports station in the world, we have seen some really impressive stats.
For the first time ever online spending has overtaken physical spending according to new data gathered from Revolut. Since the start of November online sales now account for 51% of total consumer spend.
Some believe audio is seeing a second renaissance in terms of the resurgence and revitalisation of the media, with digital streaming taking off and an increased trend in time spent with podcasts.
One positive from 2020 is we are seeing the emergence of more ‘conscious brands’. A conscious brand is one that is aware of its surroundings and isn’t afraid to take a position on key social and political issues.
With the news this week that the whole country is moving to Level 5 for six weeks, an already under pressure economy is bracing itself for another COVID lockdown shock.
Over the past ten years, the podcast industry has gone from something a core niche audience engages with, to becoming a staple on many organisations’ media plans for 2021 and beyond.
Over the last week Ad Week 2020 has been hitting our homes and offices with virtual events bringing us marketing, media, technology, and creative industry insights to drive change and hopefully, aid recovery after such a dramatic few months. Datasine published an interesting piece of research looking at the pressure points facing marketers.
Unruly have just released some really interesting research on how campaigns with Black Lives Matter messaging has been received. They looked at 4 ads in the US market for Nike, P&G, McDonalds and the NFL.
With more businesses open since the easing of restrictions and reinvented shopping protocols we are starting to see positive signs coming from the retail sector.
It seems like a lifetime since lockdown began, and we wanted to look at how audio consumption has changed over this period. Audio played a major part of our lives pre-COVID with the drive time listeners, the public transport podcaster and the pavement pounder looking to stay informed or for a bit of escapism on the way to and from work.
In a recent Radiocentre webinar they discussed how high street retail has experienced the biggest fall in sales since records began with many retailers being forced to close temporarily, or in some cases permanently, since the COVID-19 outbreak.
While COVID-19 has caused massive upheaval to the global economy and job markets, it has also led to an upward trend in the number of people looking to start new ventures and businesses adapting their offerings.
This week the HSE launched its latest technology tool to help manage the COVID-19 outbreak, the COVID Tracker App.
People feel mixed emotions about the relaxation of lockdown, with both optimism and concerns regarding financial implications dominating feelings.